from one roaring woman to another...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Too Busty and Lusty for TV?

As it usually occurs my receiving of Bust magazine has once again sparked my interests and caused my opinions to start whirling around in my head. If you haven't heard of the debate let me intro it to you. Lane Bryant has come up with an ad for their full figured underwear. You can watch it here.

Basically, ABC and Fox refused to air the commercial defending their position by saying there was 'too much cleavage" in the ad for their airtime. Too much cleavage, or too much woman? both companies give air time to Victoria's Secret ads which show just as much if not more cleavage. The only exception seemingly is that these models are stick thin woman that are "acceptabley" sexy. I don't know about you, but I don't want major television corporations to define what is and is not sexy. Don't fuller figured woman have just as much right to buy lingerie that makes them feel like divine goddesses?

After all the headway Dove made with their real beauty ads, this just takes us a step back. So fight the good fight and make this ad viral. The more who see it, and here the story, the better.

What do you think laydees?


  1. I've been thinking about these things so much lately. I've come to this conclusion.
    If you are HEALTHY that is sexy. THIS is my natural body type and I exercise and I cook everything I eat and I'm attractive and I'm not super thin. Other girls might be built super thin and that's healthy for them. Take care of yourself and I don't even think that model looks plus sized. Just like a person is how they look.

  2. I so agree with that. That's the healthiest attitude to have about weight. Love yourself, keep yourself healthy, and screw everyone else.
