from one roaring woman to another...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop h8

I hate to be cliche but with the internet visibly vibrating with the buzz, I can't resist shaking it up a bit myself as well. I found it abhorrent when Prop 8 was passed a few years ago. It was absolutely astonishing the level of ignorance it takes to deny someone else a personal right due to one's own moral and ethical code. Often I found myself asking friends, peers, and family this question: "who is this hurting?" The general answer of the opposing side is that gay marriage ruins the "sanctity of marriage". Please dear readers, take a moment to ponder what this phrase even means? When asked to further explain this phrase, one comes up short.

Is the sanctity of marriage defined by a penis going into a vagina? Absolutely not. Couples don't even have to take part in sex to be married, although it is generally assumed they do. Marriage legally is defined as a contract between two parties to commit to, to live with, to be responsible for, and to be linked financially with one another. So therefore where does the actual sexual aspect of this union come into play legally? Religiously, whatever. We get it after so many years guys, you named it sodomy for a reason. However, the religious fear of homosexual normality should not be a basis for legal doctrine concerning an entire nation.

If you want to continue to believe homosexual individuals don't carry on committed, long term, and normal relationships with one another, go ahead. Consider them not married in Christ. Make up your own religious version of marriage. If you still have some sort of delusion that modern day "marriage" is a religious union and not a legal one, get out of here. Create a new religious marriage, in which two hetero sexual people get legally married, and then also married in terms of the church. However, you have no right to deny someone's right to be legally bound together. If you're going to discriminate do it within your own doctrine, not within the law. Update your dogma.

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