from one roaring woman to another...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Too Busty and Lusty for TV?

As it usually occurs my receiving of Bust magazine has once again sparked my interests and caused my opinions to start whirling around in my head. If you haven't heard of the debate let me intro it to you. Lane Bryant has come up with an ad for their full figured underwear. You can watch it here.

Basically, ABC and Fox refused to air the commercial defending their position by saying there was 'too much cleavage" in the ad for their airtime. Too much cleavage, or too much woman? both companies give air time to Victoria's Secret ads which show just as much if not more cleavage. The only exception seemingly is that these models are stick thin woman that are "acceptabley" sexy. I don't know about you, but I don't want major television corporations to define what is and is not sexy. Don't fuller figured woman have just as much right to buy lingerie that makes them feel like divine goddesses?

After all the headway Dove made with their real beauty ads, this just takes us a step back. So fight the good fight and make this ad viral. The more who see it, and here the story, the better.

What do you think laydees?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Breathing is For Losers

It has come to my attention that there is a new obscure/freakish fad that day time television is teaching your parents to be afraid of right now. Apparently, some idiot preteen somewhere decided to start a "choking game" where one chokes themselves on purpose to retain a small dizzy high, while subsequently killing their brain cells. From the articles I have seen (on the front page of google, because lets be honest I'm too lazy for proper research today) the victims are in the preteen range around 13ish. Basically, they noose themselves in various ways and plan to release the choking pressure before passing out. The little problem in this plan is that you can't predict when you'll pass out when being choked, leading the choker to pass out hanging themselves for real in their noose or falling and breaking limbs/skulls. Did I mention you kill brain cells because y'know suffocation is cutting off oxygen to your brain? I don't really believe this is a true fad with kids these days, but for the small minority, wow you really help make teenagers look even stupider. We can kind of sort of forgive you for being naive enough to try drugs and alcohol, but if you can't see the potential dangerous of forcefully cutting off your air supply is there really hope for our future?

I don't mean to offend any parents or family members who have lost someone to this obscure new addictive game but it just sounds so ridiculous to believe that anyone even a preteen is naive enough to believe that this won't harm them. This is almost Darwin survival of the fittest stuff.

This is a serious thing though, and if you know anybody that's doing this slap them, tell them they're a certifiable idiot, and tell their mother. If you're really interested in the cause check out the GASP website

Now, what do you think?

Amanda Palmer's New Tricks

Miss Amanda Palmer has pulled a new album out of her bag of tricks featuring her magical ukulele.

New album aside the songs are actually covers of old Radiohead songs, adjusted to be played on the small Hawaiian instrument. The most remarkable part of this album is the Radiohead inspired pricing system. Previously Radiohead had made available their last album "In Rainbows" for free download on the internet for a period of time, trying to prove they were all about the music, and not necessarily the profit. People that wanted to pay for the album to support the band could donate any number of moneys for the album, or opt to just download it for free.

Palmer's pricing is based on a similar idea, however a base price of 84 cents was set to pay back Radiohead for the rights to their songs. Listener's could also pay more for it at their leisure, to help support the artist.

The second most remarkable thing about Palmer's new album is that she is not on a record label. All promotion of her CD will be done completely through her band of friends/roadies, and her fan base. She is completely throwing herself out there creating this album without solid knowledge it will be majorly promoted. A pretty bad ass adventure, if I do say so myself.

Now for my actual critique of Palmer's new album. Because, as she said the worst thing you can do to help her is say nothing about the album at all.

This is not my favorite album. A lot of the songs do not translate to ukulele very well, without getting intensely boring after a few minutes. My favorite song has to be Idioteque which has the most interesting ukulele part. However, the album is light and fluffy, and good background music. I would not discourage you from adding it to your collection, although if you are not already a steadfast fan of Palmer you just might not get it. I'm always pleased when she writes anything, performs anything, or gives us anything. It's always exciting to listen to her new music, almost like unwrapping a complicated new present.

So, listen to the album, and give the internet your feedback, because the only negative feedback is no feedback at all!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I have a great deal of respect for people that can accomplish things that I could never do. For instance, people that can do rigorous mental math, juggle (literally) more than two things, or have an intense amount of patience for meticulous detail. One such example of the latter is animators. Animation is possibly one of the most exhaustively monotonous art forms. 24 frames can make up 1 second of animation, meaning that 24 separate slightly altered drawings equal one second of action. To me, that's a ridiculous amount of work to produce a simple moving image, for instance someone waving their hand, or walking.

Therefore due to his overwhelming patience, and my respect for his art form I would like to showcase Brandon Chamberlain.

His choppy style is deeply reminiscent of Don Hertzfeldt. It's hand drawn simplicity makes it fresh, and keeps the focus on the plot line, unlike the wow and pow of CGI.

Brandon captures the emotions of his characters with precise timing to make the situations more awkward and hilarious. He leaves you waiting for a reaction just until you've almost lost interest and then delivers, the perfect comic timing. Every facial reaction is like a separate punchline.

I especially enjoy the close ups in this video. So there he is, upcoming animator, Brandon Chamberlain. Watch out, I might be convincing him to make his own animation blog, I'll keep you posted!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Follow The White Rabbit

Have I mentioned how magnificent Betty White is? Probably not lately.

Are any of us going to be that bad ass when we grow up? Never. The older she gets, the funnier it is when she behaves the way that teenagers get looked down upon for today. Never have I had more hope about old age. Who said you have to get retired and slow down? Endless naps, sudoku, scratchy sweaters, and mah joghn every day after sixty? I think not. A new standard for mature women? I think so! Outstanding Betty!