from one roaring woman to another...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Breathing is For Losers

It has come to my attention that there is a new obscure/freakish fad that day time television is teaching your parents to be afraid of right now. Apparently, some idiot preteen somewhere decided to start a "choking game" where one chokes themselves on purpose to retain a small dizzy high, while subsequently killing their brain cells. From the articles I have seen (on the front page of google, because lets be honest I'm too lazy for proper research today) the victims are in the preteen range around 13ish. Basically, they noose themselves in various ways and plan to release the choking pressure before passing out. The little problem in this plan is that you can't predict when you'll pass out when being choked, leading the choker to pass out hanging themselves for real in their noose or falling and breaking limbs/skulls. Did I mention you kill brain cells because y'know suffocation is cutting off oxygen to your brain? I don't really believe this is a true fad with kids these days, but for the small minority, wow you really help make teenagers look even stupider. We can kind of sort of forgive you for being naive enough to try drugs and alcohol, but if you can't see the potential dangerous of forcefully cutting off your air supply is there really hope for our future?

I don't mean to offend any parents or family members who have lost someone to this obscure new addictive game but it just sounds so ridiculous to believe that anyone even a preteen is naive enough to believe that this won't harm them. This is almost Darwin survival of the fittest stuff.

This is a serious thing though, and if you know anybody that's doing this slap them, tell them they're a certifiable idiot, and tell their mother. If you're really interested in the cause check out the GASP website

Now, what do you think?

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